Girls Trips: Why They Are So Important For Moms

Why girls trips are so important for moms

Being a mom is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it is also one of the most demanding roles a woman can have.  From juggling household chores to managing sports & school schedules, we often find ourselves overwhelmed with responsibilities.   In the midst of this chaos, it’s crucial for moms to take some time for ourselves, and what better way to do that than a girls trip!  From laughter filled adventures to reconnecting with friends and yourself, girls trips are so important for moms. 

Why Girls Trips are so important for moms

Reconnecting With Yourself

In addition to our employment, being a mom is a full time job in itself.  Even if you are a stay-at-home mom, you are still working at least a dozen jobs in any given day.  As moms, we are a chauffeur, a short order cook, a housekeeper, a coach, a teacher, a personal assistant, a nurse, a therapist, a party planner and a referee–just to name a few! 
Moms often get so caught up in taking care of everyone else that we forget to prioritize ourselves! A girls trip offers the perfect opportunity to reconnect with yourself, away from the demands of family and work.  Whether it’s indulging in a day spa, trying out new activities, or simply lounging by the pool, girls trips are the time to take a break from all of our many jobs, to  relax and rejuvenate.  
Why Girls Trips are so important for moms

Strengthening Friendships

Friendships are essential for mental well-being, yet they can often take a backseat amidst the chaos of motherhood.   It’s hard to find the time to pick up the phone to catch up with your friends, let alone a day where you can actually get together.  A girls trip allows moms to strengthen and maintain their friendship bonds, reminiscing about old times and creating new memories together.   

Girls Trips are Therapeutic 

As moms, we are our own worse critic.  We spend a lot of time worrying about being a good mom.  Going on a trip with other moms is like attending a support group-we are all going through the same thing.   Girls trips give us the opportunity to talk about the highs and lows, while exchanging advice from those who know exactly what it is like.   Moms feel supported and understood, knowing they are not alone in their journey. 
Why Girls Trips are so important for moms

Fostering Independence

Taking a break from the responsibilities of motherhood isn’t just beneficial for moms-it’s also beneficial for our families.  A girls trip provides an opportunity for moms to step back and allow the dads to take on more responsibility and to have their own precious one-on-one time together.  Let’s face it, most of the time,” Daddy-and-Me time”  usually consists of much more relaxed rules-staying up later and fun junk food adventures. It’s a much loved break from the routine for the dads and kids alike.  

Returning Refreshed & Recharged

After a girls trip, we return home refreshed and recharged, ready for whatever obstacles and challenges come our way.  The short break from routine gives moms renewed energy to face the demands of motherhood.  Most importantly, even when we are away from our kids for just a day or two, we miss them so much that we cannot wait to get back home to them! 
Why Girls Trips are so important for moms

Girls Trips Ideas

Girls trips don’t have to be extravagant.  Whether off for a weekend getaway or a quick overnight trip, the possibilities are endless. 
  • Exploring nearby cities 
  • Beach Weekends 
  • Mountain Weekends 
  • A Lake Trip
  • Spa Day
  • Concert Trips
  • Adventure Activities like ziplining and ropes courses
  • Shopping Weekends
  • Tennis or Pickleball 

Girls trips provide moms with the opportunity to unwind in the company of those who know them best, sharing laughter, stories and sometimes even tears.  Whether it’s reminiscing about old times or simply enjoying each other’s presence, the camaraderie of a girls trip can work wonders for the soul!

Cheers to you, Moms!


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Why Every Mom Needs A Girls Trip
Why Girls Trips are so important for moms

One of my favorite places to take a girls trip is Deep Creek Lake, Maryland.  Click here for the Ultimate Guide to a Girls Weekend in Deep Creek Lake. 


Shop my idea lists for everything you need for your girls trip!

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